As part of our recruitment work, TBYAV (in partnership with Albuquerque YAV) is excited to offer these workshops to community groups across the country. We are available to facilitate these workshops via Zoom (or other digital platform) or in person, depending on the location. Our priority is making these workshops accessible to groups, so these offerings are available on a sliding scale. Interested in bringing one of the following to your camp, student worship group, or other community? Email us at [email protected] so we can talk about what would work for you!
Currently available community workshops:
Currently available community workshops:
- Mission can be Mutual: Accompaniment is a ministry framework that helps us challenge our assumptions about mission as we name and actively resist the colonizing nature of mission as it has so often been practiced. Through discussion and self-reflection, participants in this workshop will be guided through building a common framework for accompaniment to support their world-changing work into the future. Focusing on relationship, consent, and mutuality, together we’ll dig into “ministry of presence” as practiced in accompaniment and ask each other (and ourselves!) questions that lead us deeper in following God’s call. Interactive workshop, 45-120 min.
- “The Kingdom of God is like…”: Having a vision of a better future matters. When our imagination feels limited by how our bodies feel or what we notice about the state of the world, returning to this vision helps us return to hope. Using the images of God’s kingdom described in Scripture as a starting point, this interactive workshop invites participants to engage creativity, imagination, and art reflection as a way of envisioning the world we’re called to create together. Interactive art workshop, 45-60min.
- "What's the deal with Sabbath?": We know that Jesus rested, and that remembering the Sabbath is one of the ten commandments. But rest isn't just about recovery, or preparing to do more work--it is an act of rebellion, rooting ourselves in our belief that God loves us wholly as we are, and not as a result of what we accomplish or produce. This workshop will invite us to recognize messages we receive about rest and explore ways to disrupt the idea that who we are is solely rooted in what we do. Interactive workshop, 45-60min.
- Vocational Discernment: Not "What do I do with my life?" but "What is next for me on this journey of faith?" Daring to be curious about the next “yes” God is speaking into your life can be a transformative thing. This workshop offers a framework for vocational discernment that holds spaciousness for how our senses of call can shift over time, and a chance to try out a discernment practice in this framework. Reflection & discernment practice, 60-90 min.
- Exploring Embodied Nonviolence: Contrary to what some of his disciples expected, Jesus’ radical mission was rooted in nonviolence, not military power. Following his example, we are also called to make peace in the midst of chaos. In this workshop, connect with one example of how Jesus resisted violence and notice how deepening our connection with our own bodies in tense situations can transform our capacity to respond. How can we tune into our Christ-centered values to subvert expectations for world-changers? Bible study, 60-90 min (longer version includes a guided de-escalation practice).